Friday, 24 May 2024

Open call for active participants in Adélaïde Ferrière’s masterclass | Percussion Festival of the GNO Alternative Stage


The Percussion Festival of the GNO Alternative Stage is announcing an open call to fill five 5 positions for active participants (including both active participants and active listeners) in a masterclass led by the world-class percussion soloist Adélaïde Ferrière.  

The call is intended for conservatory students studying at higher education institutions specializing in European percussion, and/or as professional musicians holding diplomas. Candidates will be required to perform only one piece up to 7 minutes long on one of the following instruments:

  • Solo marimba (up to 5 octaves) without piano accompaniment, and without prerecorded electronics
  • Solo vibraphone (3 octaves) without piano accompaniment, and without prerecorded electronics
  • Solo snare drum without piano accompaniment, and without prerecorded electronics

Each active participant will be allocated 45 minutes (this time includes the performance of the maximum 7-minute-long piece).

Students or professionals who wish to participate in the masterclass are required to send:

  • The application form duly filled in and signed
  • A short CV
  • A video (it doesn’t have to be a professional video) showing them perform an entire piece or excerpt of up to 3 minutes on the following instruments: solo without piano accompaniment or prerecorded electronics, solo vibraphone without piano accompaniment or prerecorded electronics, or solo snare drum without piano accompaniment or prerecorded electronics
  • The consent form duly filled in and signed


Applicants are required to send the above-listed documents and material to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Thursday 20 June 2024 at 14.00. The email should be titled “Masterclass Adélaïde Ferrière”.

The persons concerned can download the application form (here) and the consent form (here). The applicants must  fill in the consent form after consulting the Biography Policy of the GNO.

It is noted that applications submitted after the deadline (20th June 2024, at 14.00) or those that do not meet any of the above-listed requirements, will not be considered. The GNO is committed to absolute confidentiality regarding the applicants’ personal data. Access to the applications will be exclusively limited to authorized  persons working at the GNO, and no other third party.

The evaluation of the supporting documents and materials and the selection of the  participants for the masterclass will be done by a three-member committee. After that, all applicants will receive an email informing them of whether their application to join the masterclass on Friday 5 July 2024 between 13.00 and 16.00 at the Greek National Opera Alternative Stage in the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (364 Syngrou Avenue. P.C. 176 74) has been accepted or rejected. The applicants that will be selected to participate in the masterclass will receive an invitation to participate as well as the programme details of the masterclass via email.

Applications must be submitted to the GNO Protocol department (SNFCC – 364 Syngrou, P.C. 176 74, Kallithea, 5A floor), Monday-Friday, from 08.00 to 14.30, or electronically at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The application submission deadline is Thursday 20 June 2024, at 14.00.


CV Policy