Latent Space


Electroacoustic composition workshops

In collaboration with the National Library of Greece


In what ways can a text be transmuted into a soundscape? What process can convert the two-dimensional pages of a book into the multi-dimensional soundscape that is composed in the reader’s mind? How can an artist turn printed works into a sound experience? These are some of the questions that will be raised in the new cycle of electroacoustic composition workshops titled Latent Space, having as its starting point the power of written word to trigger the creation of a variety of artistic products that can reshape/recompose its content.

The programme is aimed at young artists and invites them to a creative adventure of sensory experiences based on music and the art of sound, with the goal of bringing out the constant interaction between philosophy, legend, and musical creation. Inspired by the literature on Richard Wagner’s emblematic opera Die Walküre, which will be presented in March 2024 in the Stavros Niarchos Hall, participants will use written word as their primary material and will attempt to turn the landscapes and the events described in texts of their choice into their own pieces of acoustic music. The resulting compositions will be presented on the GNO Alternative Stage in June 2024.

This educational programme brings out the vital space that has been historically provided by books to the arts, and at the same time, the special importance of the co-habitation of the National Library of Greece and the Greek National Opera under the same roof. The programme is realized with the collaboration of these two organisations.

Planning/Implementation: Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris

Scientific associate: Themelis Glynatsis



Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris is a composer, sound artist and educator. He obtained a BA in Double Bass, and a BA in Electronic Music Composition from the Rotterdam Conservatoire, while following courses at the Institute of Sonology (Royal Conservatoire of The Hague) and at IRCAM (France). He continued with two MA studies: in Fine Arts (Spain) and in Creative Education (UK).

He did his PhD research at University of Sussex, being fully funded with a CHASE-AHRC scholarship. His PhD research has been awarded as one of the most innovative in the field of Art and Technology by the Leonardo Academic Journal (MIT Press). He teaches continuously in Higher Education since 2011 (Falmouth University, University of Sussex, University of Brighton, Ionian University). Since 2019 he teaches at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since 2012 he is a fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

His works have been presented, at among others: Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Holland Festival, Todays Arts, Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, Modern Body Festival, Kalamata International Dance Festival, The Athens Concert Hall, Onassis Foundation, Tectonics Festival, Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean.


Programme starts on: Thursday 21 Μarch 2024

Dates: Thursdays 21, 28 March, 4, 11, 18, 25 April, 9, 16, 23, 30 May, 4 and 5 June 2024

Presentation date: 6 June 2024

The selection of participants will be made after an open call that will be announced a month prior to the start of the workshops. 


In collaboration with

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GNO Learning & Participation Lead Donor 

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