Co-OPERAtive: An intercultural and collaborative opera hub for young people


Intercultural opera hub for a mixed group of 30 Athenians and unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors aged 14-18 from across Attica

In collaboration with Kinoniko EKAV and European Expression

The established intercultural opera hub for teenagers Co-OPERAtive returns for a fourth year. The programme, awarded the 2019 Fedora Education Prize, draws inspiration from opera and foregrounds the importance of interculturalism in art as a factor that facilitates artistic creation and bridges cultural differences. The participants in the mixed group of the 30 young Athenians and unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors aged 14 to 18 will be urged to produce their own ideas, express themselves artistically, and pit themselves against the creative process of making a music theatre work, which they will then be called upon to present on the GNO Alternative Stage in May 2024.


Creative team

Score: Panos Iliopoulos

Direction: Argyro Chioti

Sets, costumes: Pavlos Thanopoulos

Music workshops leader: Nikos Ziaziaris

Theatre workshops leader: Eleni Moleski

Dance workshops leader: Katerina Gevetzi


Starts on: Monday 16 October 2023

Day & hour: Mondays, 17.30-20.30

Age group: 14 to 18 year-olds

Performance date: Friday 31 May 2024


In collaboration with

ekav         euro


GNO Learning & Participation Lead Donor 

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