Thursday, 19 September 2019 19:46

GNO Alternative Stage's Intercultural Choir

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In the fourth year since its formation, the GNO Alternative Stage’s Intercultural Choir continues its thrilling multicultural journey into the four corners of the world. Songs of imperishable melodic richness from the traditional music of the countries of origin of its members (it already numbers more than 25 members) make up its repertoire which is constantly enriched with new material. Each meeting is a unique musical experience!


IMPLEMENTATION DATES: Mondays (18.30 – 20.00)

INFORMATION / REGISTRATION: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 213 088 5752 (Monday – Friday 10.00. – 18.00)

Thursday, 25 October 2018 14:17


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A theatre and music workshop in collaboration with the street magazine “Schedia”, the Reception and Solidarity Centre of the Municipality of Athens and the Athens 2018 Global Book Capital project. With the support of the Athens Municipality Cultural Network. Italo Calvino’s book Invisible Cities offered the inspiration for the creation of a meeting point in the form of a workshop, titled Here, where people can meet and communicate through speech and sound. People who see the city through the eyes none of us has. Sounds produced in their primal form, creating an urban timbre that none of us has heard. Stories telling a personal trajectory in a city with many faces that none of us has noticed. Calvino’s approach of fantastic cities, in relation to the participants-experienced but invisible to the rest of us city of Athens, is the baseline for a fruitful interaction of speech and sound, stories and songs, theatre and music.

Saturday, 30 March 2019 02:00

Le Nozze di Figaro Revisited

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A heavy set, impressive costumes and red velvet don’t always make for a successful opera. In some cases the only thing needed as a set is a few singers, a pianist and a closet. As simple as that. In this pocket opera, this tiny opera production, precedence is given to music and interpretation. Taking into consideration all of the above, GNO’s Educational and Social Activities shrink Mozart’s comic opera Le Nozze di Figaro into two parallel workshops to create its pocket version with all of you as protagonists! The participants of these two interconnected workshops (music and visual arts/scenography) will morph into composers, musicians, singers and set designers of their very own opera and will become a large company. In this wildly fun pocket opera there’s room for everybody!

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 40 participants (visual group for children aged 8-12, music group for teenagers aged 13-18)


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Monday - Friday, 9.00-15.00
Tel. 2130885742



Saturday, 30 March 2019 02:00

Le Nozze di Figaro Revisited

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A heavy set, impressive costumes and red velvet don’t always make for a successful opera. In some cases the only thing needed as a set is a few singers, a pianist and a closet. As simple as that. In this pocket opera, this tiny opera production, precedence is given to music and interpretation. Taking into consideration all of the above, GNO’s Educational and Social Activities shrink Mozart’s comic opera Le Nozze di Figaro into two parallel workshops to create its pocket version with all of you as protagonists! The participants of these two interconnected workshops (music and visual arts/scenography) will morph into composers, musicians, singers and set designers of their very own opera and will become a large company. In this wildly fun pocket opera there’s room for everybody!

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 40 participants (visual group for children aged 8-12, music group for teenagers aged 13-18)

Participation is free on a first come first served basis

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday - Friday, 9.00-15.00
Tel. 2130885742



Saturday, 13 October 2018 03:00

The Nightingale Whispered To Me

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While children and adults will be getting enthralled by the great Lena Platonos’s musical fairy tale The emperor’s nightingale at the GNO Alternative Stage, something equally magical will be happening at the GNO’s Studio B on the 5th floor. There, little children participating in the exciting animation workshop The nightingale whispered to me will create their own original performance, in which the set will not consist of ordinary objects but unique motion pictures! After having been taught the basic principles of animation, they will then write the script, experiment with motion pictures, direct and star in their very own animated performance! So, there, at Studio B, a colourful animated world will be brought to life and the nightingale’s whisper will become a song by “tomorrow’s” script writers, directors and protagonists.

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 15 participants aged 9-12

Participation is free on a first come first served basis

Information - Contact
Monday - Friday, 9.00-15.00
Tel. 2130885742


Thursday, 04 October 2018 11:47

Animated Opera

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Opera and animation are two seemingly incompatible artforms – however, every time they meet they end up to an original, imaginative and magical result! And that’s a good reason to offer the unique chance to students of Art Junior and Senior High Schools in Attica to create their own original animated videos of GNO’s performances for a second year. Through a creative process, the Animated Opera programme invites students to draw inspiration from Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro and Stravinsky’s ballets. After attending the rehearsals of the performances, they get to work while having by their side experienced filmmakers. First, they learn the basic principles of animation and get acquainted with audiovisual media and the technical equipment. Music, libretto and choreography form the basis of their inspiration to experiment and expand their skills in visual arts, composition and story-telling. Later on, they film original scenes using the stop motion animation technique and produce their own original sound effects. The animated video is completed with the editing and the synthesis of image and sound.


Watch the outcome of previous workshops:

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Karpos, Centre for Educational Activities and Intercultural Communication

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Thursday, 25 October 2018 12:53

El retablo de Maese Pedro

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In October 2019, Manuel de Falla’s masterly puppet opera El retablo de maese Pedro (1922) will continue its journey to the municipal and regional theatres of Northern Greece, from the 1st to the 12th of October. Uniting the magical world of opera with puppet theatre, this one-act opera tells the story of one of the most exciting and humorous episodes of Miguel de Cervantes’ classic book, Don Quixote.

In January 2020, the opera will return to the venues of the Greek National Opera at the SNFCC for selected performances for schools aiming to induct small viewers into the world of lyric theatre.

CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 213 088 5742 (Monday – Friday 10.00 – 15.00)

ADVANCE-BOOKING for SCHOOLS: To be announced through an open call in October 2019

Thursday, 25 October 2018 12:53

Isadora Duck

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Isadora Duck is not a random duck. The protagonist of Stella Michailidou’s children’s book is a  petit duck who dreams of becoming a ballerina. Although she is last is in her class, her name is evocative of  the top modern dancer Isadora Duncan. The true story of the priestess of modern dance through a book that talks in a direct way about each person’s uniqueness, the acceptance of  diversity, artistic expression and the right to dream. That’s also exactly the goal of the successful programme Isadora Duck, which for a second year in a row turns the GNO’s Studio B into a…swan lake, with little students (1st, 2nd, 3d & 4th graders) identifying themselves with the adventures of this special duck and releasing their expressiveness. In this programme, which is based on educational drama techniques and musico-pedagogical methods, students dance to the music of Tchaikovsky, sing in unison, exchange creative roles, experiment with their voices and cooperate by playing fun games. In three words: encouragement, awareness, acceptance.