Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Audition announcement


The Greek National Opera organises an audition for the position of Concertmaster, which needs to be covered from January 2022 in response to emergency needs. The person selected will be offered a one-year work contract (trial period) with the possibility of renewal from the part of the GNO for one more year.

Audition schedule: Candidates will be tested in:

  1. A compulsory concerto (MOZART) : One (1) of the following:
  • Violin Concerto No.3 in G major, K.216
  • Violin Concerto No.4 in D major, K.218
  • Violin Concerto No.5 in A major, K.219 (including the cadenza)
  1. A work chosen by the candidate
  2. Excerpts from orchestral works
  3. Prima vista performance

The audition will be held in two rounds. The first one will be conducted on Wednesday 1/12/2021 at the rehearsal hall of the GNO Orchestra, on the 5th floor of the GNO building at the SNFCC (Syngrou Av. 364) at 10.00. Candidates will be tested in alphabetical order and will be informed by the GNO about the precise time of the exam a few days beforehand. A smaller number of candidates will be shortlisted for the second round that will be conducted the very next day (Thursday 2/12).

Candidates must hold a diploma or degree from an accredited Conservatoire of Greece or an accredited music education institution of Greece or an equivalent diploma from a respective institution abroad. Those who wish to take part in the audition must send a CV including their contact data, as well as their qualifications, to protocol@nationalopera.gr by Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 14.00.

Any questions should be sent only online to orchestra@nationalopera.gr. Finally, candidates must fill in the consent form (here) attached to this announcement, after having consulted the GNO CV Policy (here). Applications not including the consent form or any of the above-mentioned requirements will not be accepted.

Candidates will be able to download the orchestral excerpts from the official website of the GNO www.nationalopera.gr from 1 November 2021 onwards.

All candidates will be tested in the concertos with a pianist (accompanist) of their choice, unless they are foreign citizens, in which case the GNO will provide a pianist for them.

Those among the candidates working with another orchestra of the wider Public Sector (ERT, City of Athens, etc.) on an open-ended of fixed-term contract, will need to provide to the Protocol Service of the Greek National Opera, prior to the audition date, a certificate of their overall monthly pay, from their employer.

Due to coronavirus pandemic-related circumstances, the GNO may ask candidates to present a certificate of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 and/or a negative test result. Candidates who will take part in the audition will receive detailed information about the process after the application procedure is completed.



Personal Data Processing Notice

The Greek National Opera (G.N.O) implements a personal data processing policy since 25 May 2018 to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In the context of this policy, we inform you that we collect the following data for the applicants for the Audition of the Orchestra of the Greek National Opera:

Name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, previous education, work experience, CV, qualifications

This data will be used solely for the proper execution of the audition, the evaluation of the candidates and their respective notice on the result. The processing of the aforementioned personal data is necessary for the proper execution of the audition. This personal data will not be communicated to any third party, without your consent. The G.N.O. acts as Data Controller for this data. The processing of this data is necessary to take steps at the applicant’s request prior to its evaluation and entering into a contract.

We inform you that we will retain this data during your participation in the audition.

Subsequently, if you get accepted, we will retain your personal data for the performance of your contract with the G.N.O., as well as after the termination of your participation for archiving purposes.

In case you do not get accepted, but get shortlisted, we will retain your personal data for 5 years, so that we can call you to fill a position at the Orchestra, according to the needs. In case another audition takes place during these 5 years, we will erase your data. You may ask us to erase your data earlier, by communicating with us with the ways mentioned below.

If you do not get accepted or shortlisted, we will erase your personal data 1 year after the audition.

Furthermore, we will post the names of the persons who successfully pass the audition and get accepted at the website of the G.N.O., as well as to the promotion material for the G.N.O.

The G.N.O. respects your rights regarding personal data and assists you in exercising them. Should you wish any further clarification or exercise your rights, you can send an email to the Data Protection Officer of the Greek National Opera, Mr. Konstantinos Kakavoulis, at the email address dpo@nationalopera.gr or a letter to the address Greek National Opera, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre, 364, Andrea Syngrou Avenue, Kallithea, Attica, c/o DPO.

We will respond to your claim within thirty (30) days from the moment we receive it. If this period needs to be extended to clarify or further investigate this deadline, we will notify you respectively, explaining the reasons for which the extension is necessary.

In any case, if you feel that the protection of your personal data has been infringed, you have the right to file a complaint with the Greek Data Protection Authority (www.dpa.gr).


Consent form

CV Policy