The Greek National Opera visits Northern Evia


The GNO Learning & Participation will travel to Northern Evia, specifically to Limni and Loutra, Aidipsos, to present a three-day programme of events on the 18th, 19th, and 21st of July 2024. Admission to these events will be free for the public. The residents of these Municipalities, as well as visitors from the surrounding area, will have the chance to watch Stratis Vogiatzis and Dimitris Kourtis’ documentary That Day, as well as to enjoy two opera evenings featuring beloved arias and duets from well-known operas performed by sopranos Elena Kelesidi and Maria Mitsopoulou from the Greek National Opera. The three-day programme of events is part of the second cycle of educational and artistic activities of the Melisma programme, funded by the Ministry of Culture.

Having already been screened at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival (Open Horizons Category) and at the GNO Alternative Stage, the documentary That Day returns to where it started its journey. It is a cinematic portrayal of Melisma, a series of educational and artistic activities that were conducted by the Greek National Opera in Northern Evia, following the devastating wildfires of 2021. The documentary also uncovers the landscape through the lens of myths and stories. The directors kept a close eye on the creative development of the dance and music narrative Endless Land, which explores the themes of destruction and rebirth and was featured for the first time in July 2023, in Kechries, Evia. At the same time, they wandered through both the charred and revitalized terrain, walking along trails and seeking out myths and stories. They got carried away in adventurous encounters with the guardians of this land: a carpenter who rebuilds his burnt carpentry workshop, a woodcarver who carves scorched tree trunks, transforming destruction into new and peculiar forms, and a horse whisperer who converses with animals. The documentary will be screened on Thursday, the 18th of July 2024, at 20.45 at the open air cinema theatre of Limni “Elymnion”, and on Sunday, the 21st of July 2024 at 21.00 at Cine Apollon in Loutra, Aidipsos.

The renowned protagonists from the Greek National Opera Elena Kelesidi and Maria Mitsopoulou will offer us two unique opera evenings featuring beloved arias and duets from the global repertoire on Friday 19 July 2024 at 20.45 at the Heroes Square in Limni, and on Sunday 21 July 2024 at 22.00 at Cine Apollon in Loutra, Aidipsos. Marilena Souri will be accompanying them on the piano.

Soprano Elena Kelesidi has starred in numerous productions and artistic events. Moreover, she has performed numerous leading roles at the world’s most prestigious theatres, including the Vienna State Opera, New York Metropolitan Opera, and Opera de Bastille, as well as in important venues in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Amsterdam, Zurich and Tokyo, and significant festivals.

Soprano Maria Mitsopoulou has performed innumerable roles and is always expanding her repertoire. Furthermore, she has collaborated with the Athens and Thessaloniki Concert Halls, the Athens State Orchestra, the Camerata, the Athens Epidaurus Festival, and the Orchestra of Colours. Abroad she has performed in concerts in Lima (Peru), Parma, Turin, London, and Catania.

Pianist Marilena Souri has given solo recitals and chamber music concerts in many European countries. She has also collaborated as a soloist with the LUCA Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta Hellenica.

Learning & Participation Department of the Greek National Opera

The Greek National Opera visits Northern Evia

18, 19 and 21 July 2024


Screening of the documentary That Day

Directed by: Stratis Vogiatzis, Dimitris Kourtis

18 July 2024 · Starts at: 20.45 · Open air cinema | Cinema theatre of Limni “Elymnion

21 July 2024 · Starts at: 21.00 · Cine Apollon in Loutra, Aidipsos


Opera evening

Featuring:  Elena Kelesidou, Maria Mitsopoulou, Piano: Marilena Souri

19 July 2024 · Starts at: 20.45 · Heroes Square, Limni

21 July 2024 · Starts at: 22.00 · Cine Apollon in Loutra, Aidipsos


For the events taking place at the cinema theater of Limni “Elymnion” and Cine Apollon in Loutra, Aidipsos, admission will be free upon priority vouchers that will be distributed one hour prior to the start of the shows at the cinema entrances.


The Opera Evening on the Heroes Square in Limni on 19 July 2024 will be held without entrance tickets.


In collaboration 

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Melisma is funded by the Ministry of Culture



GNO Learning and Participation Lead Donor

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