Moving Soundscapes


Interdisciplinary workshops for special education schools, teenagers, students with or without visual/hearing disability, and special or non-special education teachers

With interpretation in Greek Sign Language

What shape should the melody have? How does the circle sound and how does the square sound? Can rice paper play music? Does an everyday object have rhythm? Can I describe my favorite song with a piece of wire? In how many different ways can I tell the same story? If the warm and cold of colors were my body parts, what color would my dance be?

With kinetic, audio and visual games, we awaken our senses and develop communication tools that help us connect. By supporting and complementing each other, we create an artistic, experiential experience of inclusion.

The new cycle of interdisciplinary workshops Moving Soundscapes is aimed at special education schools, teenage students with or without visual/hearing disability, and special or non-special education teachers, and has multiple goals: to encourage the participation of teenagers with disability in artistic activities, enhance the self-efficacy of teenagers with or without disability,  support inclusive education through non-verbal communication, cultivate collegiality within and without the school setting, provide inclusive learning tools, empower special and non-special education teachers, and raise awareness on issues of disability and art.

Using physical-experiential education through movement and improvisation exercises, musical tools of coordination and visual practices as their main instrument, the workshops will attempt to develop participants’ kinesthetic skills and expressivity through the enhancement of the mechanisms of reception, processing and composition of stimuli, regardless of the extent to which their senses are functional. Participants will understand the multisensory perception of knowledge by exploring the various ways, in which meanings/stimuli become perceived, and will discover the importance of physicality as a means of communication and dialogue.

Moving Soundscapes will be conducted in two phases: the first will be realized in schools, and the second on the premises of the Greek National Opera with experiential workshops, both for students and educators, as well as with meetings for educators with the goal of collecting feedback while also exploring with them theoretical approaches to inclusive techniques.

Planning/Implementation: Yiota Peklari, Vassia Zorbali,

Scientific associate: Natasa Chanta-Martin

Greek Sign Language Interpretation: Androniki Xanthopoulou


All Together at the Opera is sponsored by



GNO Learning & Participation Lead Donor 

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