Pie in the Sky


Dance performance and movement workshop for parents and children


When the body becomes voice, all destinations seem possible.

Pie in the Sky lands on the GNO Alternative Stage and becomes the starting point for a singular artistic experience that will take younger and older audiences by storm.  

Pie in the Sky is a modern dance work, a duet that will be performed onstage by choreographer and dancer Georgia Vardarou along with the daughter Myrto Sanchis Vardarou, followed by an original movement workshop for children, mothers and fathers, on the GNO Alternative Stage. Right after the end of the show, participants will turn into protagonists, through modern dance techniques proposed by the two dancers, and will be urged to approach movement as a means of expression, communication and externalization of emotions, but also as a mechanism of activating hope and strength. At the same time, through the participatory process, they will get to know up close how a performance of this genre is structured.

* Pie in the Sky was created by Georgia Vardarou and her daughter on the occasion of the curfew imposed during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Confined, between our living room and a small cultural center in the nearby village, we began to create and dance, letting our imagination wander across the universe. Dark days would alternate with days full of astral light and the ceilings would brim with planets and distant stars. From time to time the hope of a possible perfect world would be born up there. Endless, innermost hopes for the future. Yet, maybe we became immobilized looking at the foregone light of these celestial entities. By creating and dancing, the stage world activates us once again with doses of hope and strength.

— Georgia Vardarou

Planning / Implementation: Georgia Vardarou (choreographer, dancer)

Age group: 6 to 9 year-olds

Dates: 25, 26 May 2024

Place: GNO Alternative Stage

Georgia Vardarou graduated from the National School of Dance KSOT) in Greece and then from P.A.R.T.S. in Belgium with the support of the first scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ). As a dancer she has worked with Salva Sanchis, Marc Vanrunxt, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Lance Gries and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker  / Rosas. As a choreographer she focuses on individual movement and the content that this carries. She created Hardcore Research on Dance, Phenomena, New Narratives and Why should it be more desirable for green fire balls to exist than not which have been presented in various venues such as: Dance Umbrella (London), ImpulsTanz (Vienna), Juliana (Amsterdam), Athens Epidaurus Festival, Festival Salmons (Barcelona), Springdance (Utrecht), Kaaistudio’s (Brussels), STUK (Leuven), Schowburg (Amsterdam), Les Brigittines (Brussels) etc. She lived in Brussels for 13 years. In 2017 she relocated to Barcelona. Her work is produced by Kunst/Werk.


GNO Learning & Participation Lead Donor 

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