Intercultural Dance Group

The Intercultural Dance Group continues its methodology and movement research by bringing together traditional and contemporary techniques while also highlighting the particularities of the aesthetic of different dance traditions. This season, the main goals are to strengthen the already existing group and give it the chance to incorporate new tools and methods in the way it works on the one hand, and to welcome new members from other dance fields and integrate new influences into the pool of our research process on the other hand.

Planning/Implementation: Polina Kremasta

Assistant to the choreographer: Thenia Antoniadou

Starts on: 31 October 2022

Day & Time: Mondays, 18.00 – 21.00

Date of the performance: Tuesday 30 May 2023 at 20.30, GNO Alternative Stage - SNFCC


*The members of the Intercultural Dance Group will be selected by audition. The open call for the audition will be announced on 5 October.