Friday, 15 October 2021 15:08

Intercultural Choir

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The Intercultural Choir project of the GNO Learning & Participation Department continues for a sixth year. After a long pause in live meetings, old and new members from every corner of the earth will once again join their voices into a unique musical journey without borders. For this year’s season the Intercultural Choir will be conducted by distinguished singer Anna Linardou. The Intercultural Choir already has more than 30 members. Ukraine, Cameroon, Slovakia, Tanzania, New Guinea, Syria, Cyprus, United Kingdom, France, USA, Iran, Kenya, Iraq, and Greece are only some of the countries of origin of those who have participated in the Choir. Its repertoire is getting constantly expanded and enriched with wonderful songs from the traditional folk music of its members’ homelands.

Choir mistress: Anna Linardou

Assistant choir mistress/Piano accompaniment: Dimitra Kokkinopoulou

Start of the programme: 4 October 2021

Implementation schedule: Mondays, 18.30 – 20.00

Information / Registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 15 October 2021 15:07

Intercultural Dance Group

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A new intercultural workshop is born from the GNO Learning & Participation Department. Its members will have a background in intercultural, traditional and folk dance genres, but also in genres such as street dance, jazz, tap dance etc. Under the guidance of the workshop’s leader/choreographer the members of the Intercultural Dance Group will work together to exchange experiences and skills and to form an original dance group, in which traditions from diverse cultures will converse with contemporary creation.

Planning/Implementation: Polina Kremasta

Assistant to the choreographer: Thenia Antoniadou

Starts: 15 November 2021

Implementation schedule: Mondays, 18.00 – 21.00

More information as well as an open call for participants will be announced soon.

Friday, 15 October 2021 14:52

Gamelan Orchestra

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In collaboration with the Embassy of Indonesia in Greece

Embassy of Indonesia

 The GNO Learning & Participation Department in collaboration with the Embassy of Indonesia in Athens continue the Gamelan Orchestra workshop, which first started in January 2020 and was abruptly interrupted due to the pandemic.

The goal of the workshop is to introduce participants to the Gamelan musical tradition through its unexpected conversation with the contemporary classical music repertoire, and to create the first Indonesian orchestra in Greece. Participants will get to know the musical instruments of a Gamelan ensemble and will familiarise themselves with the particularities of the form and rhythm of this musical tradition by performing Indonesian traditional folk songs as well as a contemporary Gamelan music work written by composer and workshop leader Andys Skordis.

Starting from the Gamelan musical tradition and focusing on its social dimensions, interaction and communication among the participants will be the key ingredient for the workshop’s musical outcome, which is expected to give a new form and style to the Indonesian traditional folk music.

The workshops will run for two weeks, after which the Gamelan orchestra will give a single concert in the hall of the Parnassos Literary Society, on Sunday 17 April 2022 at 20.00.

More information about the concert will be announced soon.

Workshop leader / score: Andys Skordis


An intercultural opera hub for a mixed group of 30 young Athenians and unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors aged 14-18 from across Attica.

The Co-OPERAtive programme, awarded with the Fedora Education Prize 2019, is an intercultural opera hub for a mixed group of young Athenians and unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors aged 14-18 from across Attica. It is inspired by opera, which serves as a common language for the creation of the first intercultural opera hub for young people in Europe. Co-OPERAtive’s goal is to expand opera’s impact and make it more known to the younger audiences, while bringing out cultural diversity and social cohesion. 

Implementation: Themelis Glynatsis, Andys Skordis

Music workshop leaders: Nikos Ziaziaris, Katerina Gevetzi

Theatre workshop leaders: Panagiotis Exarcheas, Eleni Moleski

Movement workshop leader: Katerina Gevetzi

Starts: 28 February 2022

Ages: 14-18 years old

Final performance: Untitled For Now: An Old Fable, 3 July 2022 at 20.30, GNO Alternative Stage


Music theatre performance

Untitled For Now: An Old Fable

Greek National Opera Alternative Stage SNFCC

Sunday 3 July 2022

Starts at: 20.30


Musical composition, conductor: Andys Skordis

Director: Themelis Glynatsis

With the participation of a mixed group of Athenian teenagers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors from the accommodation facilities of Kinoniko EKAV and European Expression


Sets & costume designer: Christina Spanou

Video: Marios Gampierakis, Chrysoula Korovesi

Lighting designer: Stella Kaltsou


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fedora prize

 In collaboration with:

ekav           euro

  With the support:

Embassy Indonesia





Friday, 15 October 2021 14:49

Meet the Nutcracker 

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 A ballet workshop for children, teenagers, adults

For a second year children, teenagers and adults will experience the magical world of classical dance through a workshop that will be held on the occasion of the production of The Nutcracker, which is set to premiere in the GNO Stavros Niarchos Hall at the SNFCC on 17/12 with a new choreography by GNO Ballet Director Konstantinos Rigos. Meet the Nutcracker is a workshop held in collaboration with the GNO Ballet and led by the GNO Ballet principal dancers that aims at introducing participants into one of the most popular and enduringly enchanting ballets in the repertoire, for children and grown-ups alike. In its original two-act version, with a choreography by Lev Ivanov, a libretto by Marius Petipa, and music by Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker was first performed at the Mariinsky Imperial Theatre in Saint Petersburg on 18 December 1892.

Planning/Implementation: Elena Andreoudi & Vangelis Bikos

Implementation schedule (dates): 28 November & 5 December 2021

Ages: 28/11 12 to 14 years old & 5/12 15 to 18 years old

Implementation schedule (hours): 11:00 – 13:00

Registration from 1/11: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 15 October 2021 14:47

Opera Filmmakers

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A co-production of the GNO Learning & Participation Department and the Olympia International Film Festival for Children & Young People

Τhe GNO Learning & Participation Department in a co-production with the Olympia International Film Festival for Children & Young People invites Junior High School students to participate in the new educational workshop titled Opera Filmmakers. It is an experiential filmmaking workshop during which children will peep into a real theatre backstage and capture on camera secrets from the different stages of the process of creating an opera performance.

The workshop will be conducted in four meetings (16, 23 October & 6,14 November 2021) of four hours each. Its participants will form a short film production group, and the film they will create will enter the 24th Olympia International Film Festival for Children & Young People (27/11-4/12/2021).

With a camera at hand participants will wander the backstage of the Greek National Opera at the SNFCC, will unlock the theatre costume and prop rooms, will observe the operation of the mechanisms supporting this grand-scale theatrical stage and will peep into a rehearsal.

During this process, children will get acquainted with the language of cinema, its means of expression, and the techniques and basic principles of directing. They will also be guided through the selected subject and will learn how to draft a screenplay. Moreover, they will be involved in the organisation of the shooting and will share the roles of a film crew before and behind the camera.


Planning & Implementation: GNO Learning and Participation Department & Olympia International Film Festival for Children & Young People

Implementation schedule (dates): 16, 23 October & 6,14 November 2021

Implementation schedule (hours): 12.00 – 16.00 (hours may change)

Participants: 12 Junior High School students

Workshop leader: Chrysanthi Badeka


Olympia Festival New logo 2021

Friday, 15 October 2021 14:45

Stop motion animation: The Nutcracker

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 Using Erling Eriksson’s animation box along with some more simple applications as a main instrument, this experiential workshop  will introduce students to animation and teach them how to tell a short story in two or three dimensions with simple techniques (cut out animation, claymation, two-dimensional painting). Inspired by Tchaikovsky’s ballet The Nutcracker participants will create a short stop motion animation under the guidance of the Olympia International Film Festival for Children & Young People’s team.

Implementation schedule (dates): 18 & 19 December 2021

Implementation schedule (hours): 10.00-13.00

Participants: 12 students of the 4th, 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School

Workshop leader: TBA

Registration from 1/12This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*Participants will have to attend the whole workshop cycle.



Olympia Festival New logo 2021

Friday, 15 October 2021 14:42

Dad… shall we dance?

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A dance games workshop for fathers with children aged 6 to 12

The successful ballet workshop that enthralled children and…daddies comes back for one more season. Once again, the Learning & Participation Department invites daddies to dance with their children, perform ballet figures, find out their balance limitations and discuss with their partners through movement and dance. Two precious hours full of motor activities, improvisations and games.

An invitation to dance not to be missed!

Planning/ Implementation: TBA

Ages: 6 to 12 years old
Implementation schedule (dates): 10 & 17 April 2022

Implementation schedule (hours): 11.00 – 13.00

Registration from 20/3: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 15 October 2021 14:40

StΟpera Μotion Workshop: Rigoletto

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A stop motion animation workshop with props for children aged 8 to 12

 Inspired by Giuseppe Verdi’s timeless opera Rigoletto, the GNO Learning & Participation Department creates a multidimensional learning and creating workshop. Its goal is to make children discover the opera, and drawing upon its musical themes to portray the story through the stop motion animation technique. At the same time they will learn simple techniques that they’ll also be able to use at home.

Children will bring props from the GNO prop storage room to life and will tell their own version of the story reintroducing thus Rigoletto to the audience.


Planning/Implementation: Christina Spanou

Ages: 8 to 12 years ols

Implementation schedule (dates):14, 15, 21, 22 May 2022

Implementation schedule (hours): 10.00-13.00

Registration from 20/4This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

* Participants will have to attend the whole workshop cycle.

Friday, 15 October 2021 14:37

The Magic Pillows / Sleepover

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Activities for children inspired by the new production The Magic Pillows.

The famous, much-translated and award-winning story by Eugene Trivizas is adapted by the author himself for the first time into an opera for the whole family set to premiere in the Stavros Niarchos Hall of the GNO at the SNFCC in November 2021.  On the occasion of this new fascinating GNO production, ten children aged 8 to 11 will have the unique chance to experience a sleepover in the Greek National Opera at the SNFCC. Music and movement workshops, dressing-up as characters inspired by the performance, a thematic dinner and breakfast accompanied by a small musical ensemble, and storytelling are just some of the activities, in which the children who will spend the night at the Opera will participate.


Planning/Implementation: Eugene Trivizas & TBA

Ages: 8 to 11 years old

Implementation schedule: 4, 5 December 2021