3d Bell Opera Featured

Educational programme for Primary Education schools

3d Bell Opera, the established programme of inter-artistic and pedagogical action for Primary Education schools, returns renewed for one more creative wandering across the inter-artistic world of opera and music theatre, sponsored by Piraeus Bank. The programme aspires to introduce teachers and students into the fun artistic process of preparing and presenting a modern music theatre work through a series of workshops employing modern and innovative tools. During the school year, participants will have the chance to get acquainted and experiment with opera and music theatre practices. The programme’s goals further include promoting experiential learning, communicating knowledge, and cultivating skills appropriate to be incorporated into the school curriculum.

In this season, 3d Bell Opera gives the leading role to the liberating power of imagination and presents the new music theatre work Fantastic Street: Enter Through the First Drawer… Guest Star: the Ghost of Gianni Rodari!, scored by Sofia Kamayianni and with a libretto by Anastasia Stylianidi.  Inspired by the book of Italian children’s book writer Gianni Rodari La grammatica della fantasia (“The Grammar of Fantasy”), the work revolves around the importance of imagination in the everyday experience. Basis of all creative activity and a way to express emotions, this year imagination will be unleashed to guide us to… Fantastic Street.

The production will be presented before the wider public in the Stavros Niarchos Hall of the Greek National Opera at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center in June 2024.


Creative Team

Score, music educator: Sofia Kamayianni

Libretto: Anastasia Stylianidi

Direction, theatre coach: Eleni Zachopoulou

Music coach: Fani Morali

Start: Monday 16 October 2023

Day & hour: Mondays, 18.00-21.00

Performance date: Saturday 1 June 2024


The educational programme 3d Bell Opera is sponsored by



Lead Donor of the GNO Learning & Participation Department

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