Blessed Are the Breasts That Never Gave Suck… Blessed Are the Breasts That Never Gave Suck…
Catholic Cathedral Basilica of St Dionysius the Areopagite
Blessed Are the Breasts That Never Gave Suck…
Holy Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Δημιουργική Ομάδα

Free admission and on a first-come, first-served basis, without the need for reservations.


Based on the works Via crucis by Franz Liszt & The Way of the Cross by Paul Claudel


Creative team – Performers

Concept, conductor: Markellos Chryssicos
Arrangement: Panos Iliopoulos
Dramaturgical adaptation: Karyofyllia Karabeti, Markellos Chryssicos
Texts: Paul Claudel, Tassos Livaditis
Greek translation: Karyofyllia Karabeti
Music coach: Sofia Tamvakopoulou

Maria Kostraki soprano
Theodora Baka mezzo-soprano
Christos Kechris tenor
Marios Sarantidis bass
Karyofyllia Karabeti narrator

Fani Vovoni violin Ι
Zoe Pouri violin ΙΙ
Krystallia Gaitanou viola
Dimos Goudaroulis cello
Seraina Seidou double bass

Kostas Gatsios clarinet
Stathis Anninos fortepiano
Sofia Tamvakopoulou organ


Catholic Cathedral Basilica of St Dionysius the Areopagite

Blessed Are the Breasts That Never Gave Suck…



World premiere • GNO commission

Starts at 20.30 & 22.00




The Way of the Cross (Via crucis) is a route of pilgrimage that captures in the memory of the faithful the journey of Christ from the Praetorium to the Holy Sepulchre. This route can be taken literally in Jerusalem or other designated places of worship, but it is also customary for it to have a purely symbolic character, with the faithful, following the iconography or narrative, having the opportunity to pray and spiritually walk the road to Calvary and the Crucifixion. Franz Liszt's late composition Via crucis for soloist, mixed choir and organ references the fourteen intervening Stations that the Western Church tradition has established. In conductor Markellos Chryssicos' approach, the work, transcribed for soloists, clarinet, two keyboards and string quintet by Panos Iliopoulos, enters into a dialogue with Paul Claudel's poem of the same name and the other texts read by the actress Karyofyllia Karabeti.

Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Via crucis, S. 53 (1874-79)
Text: Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus, Paul Gerhardt, Johann Rist
Station I. Jesus is condemned to death
Station II. Jesus carries his Cross
Station III. Jesus falls for the first time
Station IV. Jesus meets his Holy Mother
Station V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross
Station VI. Saint Veronica
Station VII. Jesus falls for the second time
Station VIII. The women of Jerusalem
Station IX. Jesus falls for the third time
Station X. Jesus is stripped of his clothes
Station XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
Station XII. Jesus dies on the cross
Station XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
Station XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb




Karyofyllia Karabeti
Graduated from the Drama School of the National Theatre of Northern Greece. She has performed principal roles in works such as Oresteia, The Persians (Aeschylus), Antigone, Electra, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles), Medea, Helen, Electra, Orestes, Iphigenia in Aulis, Hercules Furens, The Trojan Women, Bacchae (Euripides), The Clouds (Aristophanes), The Tempest, Hamlet, Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, Richard III (Shakespeare), Three Sisters, The Seagull (Chekhov), Three Tall Women (Albee), Lulu (Wedekind), Heldenplatz (Bernhard), Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), Miss Julie (Strindberg), The Threepenny Opera (Brecht), La Chunga (Llosa), Civilisation, a Cosmic Tragedy (Dimitris Dimitriadis), Ramona Travel (Glykeria Basdeki) etc. She has participated in international tours of the National Theatre of Greece performing roles such as Medea of Euripides, Electra of Sophocles and Clytemnestra from Sophocles’ Electra. She starred in the films: The Murderess, Man of God, Eftyhia, The Bachelor, Eleftheri Katadysi, The Beekeeper etc. She played in the TV series: Floga & Anemos, Agapi Paranomi, Astheneis kai Odoiporoi, I Agapi Argise Mia Mera, Vammena Kokkina Mallia, O Kitrinos Fakelos etc.


Markellos Chryssicos

He studied harpsichord with Margarita Dalmati at the Vignanelli School of Athens, from which he received his diploma with distinctions and first prize. He continued his studies in Paris with Salvo Romeo and Olivier Baumont, at the Mozarteum University of Salzburg with Kenneth Gilbert and Siegbert Rampe and completed his studies at the Conservatoire de Musique de Genève with Christiane Jaccottet (Prix de virtuosité avec distinction). As assistant conductor to George Petrou, he has participated in several award-winning recordings for MDG, Decca and Sony. He is a founding member of the early music ensembles Ex Silentio and Latinitas Nostra with whom he has recorded and mounted staged Baroque works as well as original productions based on the dialogue between the Baroque and other music genres. He has conducted the Venice Baroque Orchestra in a double CD recording based on Metastasio’s libretto L’Olimpiade (Naïve) which was awarded the international Choc Musique. He regularly conducts the Armonia Atenea and has collaborated with the Athens State Orchestra and the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra as well as with such music ensembles as the Irish Baroque Orchestra, Bach Consort Wien, Kammerakademie Potsdam. He has been invited to the Kammeroper Wien for three consecutive years. He has conducted at the Theater an der Wien, Wigmore Hall, Bayreuth Opera and Handel Festival in Halle. He has curated and presented Palimpsest, a broadcast for the Third Programme of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation.


Panos Iliopoulos

Born in Greece, where he studied piano, music theory and composition, as well as musicology at the Music Studies Department of the National University of Athens. He subsequently studied composition and piano at the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim, as well as harpsichord and historical keyboard instruments at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. As a composer, arranger and performer he has participated in numerous concerts, festivals, theatre and opera productions across Europe such as the Greek National Opera, Athens Epidaurus Festival, National Theatre of Greece, Oude Muziek Festival Utrecht, Concertgebouw and Muziekgebouw Amsterdam, Vienna Konzerthaus, Theater an der Wien, Nationaltheater Mannheim, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, collaborating with orchestras and ensembles such as the Geneva Camerata, New Philharmonic Utrecht, Netherlands Bach Society, Camerata – Armonia Atenea, the Athens State Orchestra and the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, and has been featured in broadcasts and recordings of several state broadcasting corporations, as well as the record labels Etcetera, Passacaille and Puzzlemusik.