Let’s follow Him Let’s follow Him
Old Stock Exchange of Athens
Let’s follow Him
Holy Monday, 29 April 2024
Δημιουργική Ομάδα

Free admission and on a first-come, first-served basis, without the need for reservations.


Greek Byzantine Choir

Conductor: Georgos Konstantinou 


The members of the Greek Byzantine Choir

Antonios Aetopoulos, Georgios Varvitsiotis, Alexandros Gantzos, Dimitrios Grivas, Dimitrios Iliopoulos, Georgios Theologas, Ioannis Kamzelas, Ioannis Karachalios, Vassilios Katsaounias, Panagiotis Katsaounias, Evangelos Kotsonas, Christos Konstantis, Dimitrios Mousouras, Evangelos Rokas, Charalampos Trasanis, Stylianos Skafidas, Vassilis Dolis

Old Stock Exchange of Athens

Let’s follow Him


Starts at 22.30


At 10:15 p.m. Dr Flora Kritikou, associated Professor at the Music Studies Department of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, will give an introductory speech about the collection of Byzantine music manuscripts of the Historical & Paleographical Archive of the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (MIET). The byzantine music manuscripts of the HPA/MIET collections include parts of the hymnography that will be performed by the Greek Byzantine Choir.


The event is held in collaboration with the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation







“The highest form of spring I know is the Greek Holy Week”

I wonder how much truth, how many people’s truth, can these words by George Seferis hold?

How many experiences

- which are not at all virtual, like the ones our time loves-

but tangible, experiences you live out with your whole being

(senses, mind, heart)….

and which you share with your own people

and “strangers” alike

as well as with the great Stranger…

In the sweet spring

where nature has reached its peak and timely beauty,

the holy days come to relieve us from our daily toil

and lift us into the Festive atmosphere.

We relive the tragic moments of God and Man

we walk along the same path with him

so that he can lead us

after trampling down death by death

to His Victory

-which is also our victory-

and to the luminous Resurrection.

On this path

orthodox worship is a precious companion:

the events, images, the Word,

the hymns, along with poetry and chants

all help the heart to feel

deeply and truthfully.

In their abundance,

the Greek Byzantine Choir

has selected and is now sharing

some Holy Week hymns

with those who cherish the Word.

Old, classical melodies,

Well or lesser-known.

Sounds that speak into the soul.

High art

by inspired creators

who managed to express

the experience of the Church as a body.

We hope and wish

that the entire event

will serve as a preview,

igniting our journey towards finding our place

next to the Stranger, the Cross, and His Resurrection… - Γιώργος Κωνσταντίνου


Georgios Konstantinou

He was born in Galatas Missolonghi. He graduated from the Maraslean Teaching Centre of Primary Education and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science of Athens (TEFAA). He also has a PhD from the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University. He has taken part in numerous international musicological and pedagogical conferences and masterclasses in Greece and abroad. He has been a member of the Greek Byzantine Choir since 1981 and its choirmaster since 2014. In the course of his Byzantine Music teaching career, he has published eight volumes in the series Theory and Act of Ecclesiastic Music, the Works of K. Pringos, and the Musicological Studies of the Holy Monastery of Vatopedi. As a scientific collaborator of the Holy Monastery of Vatopedi in the field of psaltic art, he has been supervising the series Τα Πρωτόγραφα των Τριών Διδασκάλων (The First Manuscripts of the Three Masters) as part of the Monastery’s emblematic publications. Furthermore, as a recipient of a scholarship from the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation, he took part in the three-year research program exploring "The Byzantine Master Ioannis Koukouzelis," under the mentorship of Lykourgos Angelopoulos. He taught Byzantine music at the schools of Zoodochos Pigi and the Holy Metropolitan Church of Fthiotida, as well as at the Athens Conservatory. Since 2012, he has been chanting at St George’s Church in Papagos with the rest of the members of the Greek Byzantine Choir.



Greek Byzantine Choir – “Lykourgos Angelopoulos” Contemporary Music Research Centre

The Greek Byzantine Choir was founded in 1977 by Lykourgos Angelopoulos (1941-2014) and his collaborators. Its aim is to study and present Byzantine music, as it has been passed down to us, both through written and oral tradition. In its 46 years of operation, it has given over 1,400 concerts around the world, including liturgical and other types of performances. It has made recordings in Europe’s most prestigious radio and television stations. It also took part in the first performance of Michalis Adamis contemporary music piece Rodanon. Additionally, it has presented excerpts of ancient Greek music, early Christian music, Paleo-Roman and Ambrosian chants, as well as the old sequence of Three Children in the Fiery Furnace, transcribed and revived by Michalis Adamis. Since 1990 it has been recording and releasing the works of the great Byzantine Master Ioannis Koukouzelis. This programme was supported for three years with scholarships from the Alexandros S. Onassis Foundation. The Greek Byzantine Choir enjoys a rich discography and has also published important books. Its Byzantine Children’s Chorus was formed in November 1984 by Lykourgos Angelopoulos. Its Chorus Master is Antonios Aetopoulos.