Εquábili Vocal Ensemble Εquábili Vocal Ensemble
Acropolis Museum (interior space, Caryatids)
Εquábili Vocal Ensemble
Holy Monday, 29 April 2024
Δημιουργική Ομάδα

Free admission and on a first-come, first-served basis, without the need for reservations.


Conductor: Agathangelos Georgakatos    


Sopranos I: Hera Zerva, Ioanna Karamolegou, Maria Kontaxaki, Konstantina Pitsiakou, Christina Teli, Emilia Tsimidaki
Sopranos II: Sophia Ketentzian, Angeliki Krebeniou, Androniki Laloutsi, Christina Poupalou, Christina Salamani
Mezzo-sopranos I: Antonia Despouli, Billy Kyriakopoulou, Gina Markouli, Margarita Papadimitriou, Yasmin Folini
Mezzo-sopranos II: Vasso Karioti, Ioanna Koraki, Sophia Mavrikou, Magdalini Tzavella

Acropolis Museum (interior space, Caryatids)

Εquábili Vocal Ensemble


Starts at 17.30



The female vocal ensemble Equábili will present a cappella choral works for female voices by Franz Biebl, Pärt Uusberg, Zoltán Kodály, Francis Poulenc, Claude Debussy, and others.

The newly formed Εquábili Vocal Ensemble has received enthusiastic reviews from the music-loving audience already since the first concerts it gave at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, the 1st Sacred Music Festival, and the Kalamata Religious Festival.



Agathangelos Georgakatos

Born on Cephalonia, he started studying music in Patras and continued at the Zoltán

Kodály Institute of the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest (diploma with distinction in chorus direction, Peter Erdei’s class). In 2001-12 as a teacher at the Municipal Conservatory of Patras he created a model class for choral reading, without music instruments, based on the Kodály pedagogical method. He founded and directed the Chorus of Cephalonia (1993), Μusica Nova of Patras (2000) and the professional Chamber Chorus of the Municipal Conservatory of Patras, with which he presented many premieres of Greek and foreign composers’ works. Since 2012, and following an international competition, he is the master of Greek National Opera Chorus, with which he has presented more than 240 opera performances. Moreover, he conducts oratorios, liturgies and motets of pre-classical and classical period and more than 250 choral works (a cappella, Renaissance and 20th century).