Misa criolla Misa criolla
Acropolis Museum (entrance, exterior space)
Misa criolla
Holy Monday, 29 April 2024
Δημιουργική Ομάδα

Free admission and on a first-come, first-served basis, without the need for reservations.


Creative team – Performers

Music: Ariel Ramírez

Arrangement: Harris Lambrakis
Conductor: Eirini Patsea
Music coaches: Eirini Patsea, Konstantina Pitsiakou

Yannis Dionisiou vocalist


CHÓRES female choral ensemble
Marina Avraam,* Despina Barmpounaki,† Alcmini Bassakaros,† Panagiota Belia,† Katerina Chatzinikolaou,* Marina Datseri,* Anna Dimakogianni,* Anthi Efstathiou,* Efi Fotiou,* Faidra Gardouni,*† Konstantina Giannopoulou,† Konstantina Giannoutsou,† Danai Gkanasou,† Katerina Kalochristianaki,† Maria Kampani,* Artemis Karkani,† Anastasia Katapidi,* Maria Kazala,† Dominiki Kondyli,† Ariel Krarup,† Veroniki Krikoni,* Anastasia Konstantinidou,† Kelly Kyriakopoulou,† Fani Lykou,† Anastasia Moraiti,* Dafni Pagoulatou,* Eirini Petraki,† Iro Pikoula,* Avgi Roussogiannaki,* Nadia Samara,* Evi Sarantakou,* Nikoletta Saridaki,† Antonia Sielouli,† Marina Skoura,† Angeliki Sofianopoulou,* Danai Stergiou,*† Asimina Tagkalaki,* Georgia Theologidou,* Pelagia Tragari,† Anna Triantafyllou,† Nikolaia Triantafyllou,† Eleni Tsami,* Elena Vasilaki,† Aggi Vrettou,* Christina Zampeli*

* = 18.30
† = 20.00

CHÓRES artistic director: Marina Satti
CHÓRES general director: Kharálampos Goyós
CHÓRES production managers: Eleni Gianni, Veroniki Krikoni

Fábio Cruz, Michalis Karasoulis, Fotis Lamaris, Dionisios Melogiannidis, Thanos Nikolopoulos tenors
Petros Christakis, Nikolas Douros, Konstantinos Palaiologou, Romanos Papadimitriou, Nikos Tsachalinas, Sérgios Voúdris basses

Greek National Opera Intercultural Orchestra
Simos Papaspyrou, Omar Akl, Harris Lambrakis ney
Yannis Christakopoulos accordion
Rezarta Krougia, Myrsini Pontikopoulou-Venieri, Sofia Zafiriou violin
Labrini Gioti nyckelharpa
Cid Carmo tarhu, violin
Savvas Koudounas lyre, violin
Anastasia Papageorgiou lyre
Martha Papadogianni, Alba Lymtsiouli cello
Seray Yalçın, Christos Sigelos, Stavros Papakyritsis ud
Manolis Christodoulou kanun
Efi Psachoulia cora
Yannis Tikov guitar
May Angelaki lute
Irini-Alisá Tsakiroglou piano
Stavros Makris double bass
Stathis Koutouzos, Maro Panagi, Alexandra Balandina, Mohammed Alabdali percussion


Acropolis Museum (entrance, exterior space)

Misa criolla



Starts at 18.00 & 20.00



The Misa criolla (Creole Mass) by Ariel Ramírez is one of the first settings of the Roman Catholic Mass following the decision of the Second Vatican Council in 1963 to allow the use of vernacular languages in Catholic churches around the world. The Argentine composer, one of the most important figures of the worldwide movement of convergence of popular musical traditions with Western art music and a profound authority on Andean traditional song, “infused” the Spanish text of the Mass with Latin American rhythms and instruments, creating one of the most popular hybrid works of the 20th century, widely disseminated due also to the remarkable success of its 1964 recording. Greek reception of the work was marked by the 1989 version by Stavros Xarhakos and George Dalaras, while the best-known recording internationally remains the 1990 version with José Carreras. In the spirit of the “creole” (mixed) nature of the original material, the new arrangement by Harris Lambrakis for the GNO Intercultural Orchestra “transplants” the Mass into the sound world of the Eastern Mediterranean, with the key contribution of the distinctive folk vocalist Yannis Dionysiou and the versatile and restless CHÓRES female choral ensemble, under the direction of Eirini Patsea.


Ariel Ramírez (1921-2010)
Misa criolla (1964)
I. Kyrie (Vidala-baguala)
II. Gloria (Carnavalito – Yaraví)
III. Credo (Chacarera trunca)
IV. Sanctus (Carnaval cochabambino)
V. Agnus Dei (Estilo pampeano)



Eirini Patsea

Studied classical voice with Christina Giannakopoulou and choral conducting with Michalis Patseas at the Greek Kodály Conservatory and Institute. She is a graduate of the Department of Music Studies of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and the postgraduate programme in Singing Pedagogy of the Hungarian Kodály Institute. She also holds a Master's Degree in Arts as a specialist in Kodály Music Pedagogy, from the Liszt Academy in Budapest. She teaches Music Pedagogy according to the Kodály Method, Musicianship Training and Choral Conducting in the Greek Kodály Conservatory as well as in the Athenaeum Conservatoire, of which she also acts as General Director. She is in a permanent collaboration with the female choir CHÓRES (artistic direction: Marina Satti) as principal conductor and has conducted the ensemble in multiple concerts as well as in many audio and video recordings.


CHÓRES female choral ensemble

CHÓRES is an artistic incubator created by Marina Satti to cultivate its members' skills in music, dance and acting as well as to develop artists with a broad education and social awareness. CHÓRES experiment on the interconnection of diverse aesthetic and cultural elements, transcending the boundaries of geography or age and utilising various means of expression. More than 150 women aged between 15 and 60 years regularly practise the whole spectrum of performance arts. Their eclectic repertoire includes traditional Greek songs, songs from the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, original compositions and folksong arrangements by numerous Greek and international composers, several of which were written expressly for the ensemble. CHÓRES regularly collaborate with the Greek National Opera as a resident ensemble, having taken part in many concerts, productions and choral festivals in Greece and abroad In the context of the 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture, an educational and performing activity, with the title Mystery_96 CHÓRES, was organised; it comprised the formation of a local choral ensemble, weekly choral and broader artistic training courses, as well as special performances in Elefsina and the surrounding area, culminated in the ensemble’s appearance in the Opening Ceremony in February 2023.


GNO Intercultural Orchestra

The Intercultural Orchestra was created in 2018 and now consists of 23 musicians from a variety of nationalities, with diverse musical backgrounds and experiences. Its repertoire is very wide. It ranges from world music traditions to contemporary music and free improvisation. The main concept upon which the Orchestra was established and evolved is music’s ability to serve as a common space for people to come together and interact on equal footing. Its goal is to introduce both its members and audiences to musical traditions, genres and timbres from different countries and eras, as well as to promote musical co-creation through educational processes that involve exchange and active participation.  To this date, the Intercultural Orchestra has successfully given numerous concerts in diverse locations, including the GNO Alternative Stage, the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus and the courtyard of the Acropolis and the Byzantine and Christian Museums as part of the 1st GNO Sacred Music Festival, to name but a few. Moreover, it has taken part in various projects and productions of the Greek National Opera, such as the opera Inland with music by Angelos Triantafyllou and directed by Nikos Karathanos in the Stavros Niarchos Hall at the SNFCC (July 2022). Harris Lambrakis has been managing the Intercultural Orchestra since its foundation.