Thursday, 13 September 2018 03:00

Regional troupes meeting in Larissa

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The GNO Alternative Stage goes to Larissa for the annual Regional Troupes Meeting which brings creative groups operating in the field of musical theatre into direct contact with each other. For four whole days, at various venues in the city, four groups from Thessaloniki, Rethymno, Amfissa and Larissa will participate in experiential workshops, share experiences, experiment and develop their skills. The meeting will be completed with the presentation of a short play by each group. The introductory workshop titled “Directing music” will be led by GNO Alternative Stage’s artistic director, Alexandros Eflkidis. 

Thursday, 04 October 2018 11:47

Animated Opera

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Opera and animation are two seemingly incompatible artforms – however, every time they meet they end up to an original, imaginative and magical result! And that’s a good reason to offer the unique chance to students of Art Junior and Senior High Schools in Attica to create their own original animated videos of GNO’s performances for a second year. Through a creative process, the Animated Opera programme invites students to draw inspiration from Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro and Stravinsky’s ballets. After attending the rehearsals of the performances, they get to work while having by their side experienced filmmakers. First, they learn the basic principles of animation and get acquainted with audiovisual media and the technical equipment. Music, libretto and choreography form the basis of their inspiration to experiment and expand their skills in visual arts, composition and story-telling. Later on, they film original scenes using the stop motion animation technique and produce their own original sound effects. The animated video is completed with the editing and the synthesis of image and sound.


Watch the outcome of previous workshops:

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Karpos, Centre for Educational Activities and Intercultural Communication

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Thursday, 04 October 2018 12:56

GNO Alternative Stage's Intercultural Orchestra

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\In October 2018 a special journey into the music world began, as the Alternative Stage in collaboration with the GNO’s Learning & Participation launched a new ensemble, the Intercultural Orchestra. With the goal of embracing people and music, languages and melodies from different countries of the world, the Orchestra continues for a second year to serve as a hub of equal participation and interaction, and as a platform of communication between different perceptions and cultures.


IMPLEMENTATION DATES: Mondays (18.00 – 21.00)

INFORMATION / REGISTRATION: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 213 088 5752 (Monday – Friday 10.00 – 18.00)

Saturday, 13 October 2018 03:00

The Nightingale Whispered To Me

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While children and adults will be getting enthralled by the great Lena Platonos’s musical fairy tale The emperor’s nightingale at the GNO Alternative Stage, something equally magical will be happening at the GNO’s Studio B on the 5th floor. There, little children participating in the exciting animation workshop The nightingale whispered to me will create their own original performance, in which the set will not consist of ordinary objects but unique motion pictures! After having been taught the basic principles of animation, they will then write the script, experiment with motion pictures, direct and star in their very own animated performance! So, there, at Studio B, a colourful animated world will be brought to life and the nightingale’s whisper will become a song by “tomorrow’s” script writers, directors and protagonists.

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 15 participants aged 9-12

Participation is free on a first come first served basis

Information - Contact
Monday - Friday, 9.00-15.00
Tel. 2130885742


Thursday, 25 October 2018 12:53

El retablo de Maese Pedro

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In October 2019, Manuel de Falla’s masterly puppet opera El retablo de maese Pedro (1922) will continue its journey to the municipal and regional theatres of Northern Greece, from the 1st to the 12th of October. Uniting the magical world of opera with puppet theatre, this one-act opera tells the story of one of the most exciting and humorous episodes of Miguel de Cervantes’ classic book, Don Quixote.

In January 2020, the opera will return to the venues of the Greek National Opera at the SNFCC for selected performances for schools aiming to induct small viewers into the world of lyric theatre.

CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 213 088 5742 (Monday – Friday 10.00 – 15.00)

ADVANCE-BOOKING for SCHOOLS: To be announced through an open call in October 2019

Thursday, 25 October 2018 12:53

Isadora Duck

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Isadora Duck is not a random duck. The protagonist of Stella Michailidou’s children’s book is a  petit duck who dreams of becoming a ballerina. Although she is last is in her class, her name is evocative of  the top modern dancer Isadora Duncan. The true story of the priestess of modern dance through a book that talks in a direct way about each person’s uniqueness, the acceptance of  diversity, artistic expression and the right to dream. That’s also exactly the goal of the successful programme Isadora Duck, which for a second year in a row turns the GNO’s Studio B into a…swan lake, with little students (1st, 2nd, 3d & 4th graders) identifying themselves with the adventures of this special duck and releasing their expressiveness. In this programme, which is based on educational drama techniques and musico-pedagogical methods, students dance to the music of Tchaikovsky, sing in unison, exchange creative roles, experiment with their voices and cooperate by playing fun games. In three words: encouragement, awareness, acceptance.

GNO’s Educational and Social Activities introduce a music workshop at the General Penitentiary of Thessaloniki (Diavata Prison) from January to June 2019. Participants will be acquainted with the sound of different musical instruments and rhythm as creative tools of expression, while through a guided group process they will compose and perform their own original pieces.

Thursday, 25 October 2018 14:17

Dance workshop at the Eleonas Penitentiary in Thebes

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The Dance Workshop at the Eleonas Penitentiary in Thebes continues with a new cycle of meetings from January to June 2019. Through guided exercises, female prisoners of all ages create their own original choreographies, which will be presented at the end of the workshop as a dance-theatre performance. The workshop aims to foster the free expression stemming from the group dance process as well as substantial communication between the prisoners.


Thursday, 25 October 2018 14:17

Music workshop at Korydallos Penitentiary

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The Music Workshop at the male wing of the Korydallos Penitentiary continues with a fourth cycle of meetings. Through weekly meetings, which will begin in January 2019, participants from all wings of the Penitentiary will experiment with sound and music. Through experimentation and guidance by experienced musicians, the participants will acquire basic music and performing skills.
The workshop will be completed with a concert, in which prisoners themselves will perform the compositions. The main aim of this workshop is to cultivate participants’ creativity, team spirit and freedom of expression.


Thursday, 25 October 2018 14:17

Intercultural Orchestra

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In October 2018 another music journey without boundaries begins! The Alternative Stage in cooperation with the GNO Educational and Social Activities create a new Intercultural Orchestra. Permanent or temporary residents of Athens, professional and amateur musicians from all the communities of the city are called upon to participate, live a unique experience and create a multi-ethnic repertory from the musical traditions of their countries of origin.
The Intercultural Orchestra aspires to bring the universal language of music closer to us and serves as a focal point for getting together and co-existing, fostering mutual understanding and accepting diversity.
“The point of reference of this ensemble will be music, which – as a universal practise that unites and does not separate, engages in a dialogue and does not force itself – will attempt to open up perspectives, give hope, and mainly, bring forth, incorporate and accept diversity”, notes Harris Lambrakis, the choir manager.

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