Titos Patrikios

He was born in 1928 in Athens. He studied at the School of Law in Athens and worked for some years as a lawyer. He took part in the National Resistance and was exiled to Makronisos and then to Ai-Stratis. He studied sociology in Paris and took part in research for the French National Centre for Scientific Research. He returned to Greece, but, after the dictatorship took hold, he fled back to Paris, where he became active against the illegal regime and worked at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris and at FAO in Rome. He returned to Greece in 1975 and worked as a lawyer, sociologist and literature translator. His first appearance in the field of letters was in 1943 with the publication of a poem of his, while in 1954 his first collection of poems, entitled Chomatodromos, was published. He was also involved in translation and prose writing. His works were translated into French, Flemish, German and Dutch. In 1994 he was awarded a special state lifetime award.