Christos Anastassiou

Born in Athens, where he lives and works. He studied music theory, double bass, electric bass, piano and orchestral conducting. He holds degrees in music theory, counterpoint, band orchestration and conducting, fugue, unanimously with honours, a diploma in composition and orchestral conducting with Theodore Antoniou. He completed his postgraduate studies in composition, analysis, orchestral conducting and electronic music at the University of Belgrade. In addition, he studied and attended seminars in electroacoustic music, programming and computer music, algorithmic composition, acousmatic music, spectral music, live and interactive electronic music and analysis of sound composition techniques, at various seminars and academies in Europe. He has conducted various orchestral and vocal ensembles in concerts in Greece and abroad as well as in recordings. He is a prolific composer with important distinctions for his compositional oeuvre, which covers a wide range of contemporary music and includes 144 works so far. His works have been performed by renowned soloists, chamber ensembles and orchestras in Greece and other countries in Europe and the USA, at festivals and concerts of instrumental and choral music and in live broadcasts. He has repeatedly lectured and taught in composition seminars on contemporary music making, where he has presented works by Greek and foreign composers. Since 1994, he has been a regular member of the Greek Composers’ Union and, since 2018, he has been a member of its Administrative Board.